Monday, May 28, 2007


O.K. Most of you know that these past 2 weeks have been like a roller coaster ride. While I have unfortunately focused on the negative, I have quite a bit to be thankful for.

What I wouldn't be able to do without :

1. Friends at work who just pop into my room to tease me or just smile and give me a hug.

2. My mother who calls every day to check in on me and the boys and is willing to sit and listen to me and even cry along with me....if need be. And lately, it has been a NEED.

3. Baseball. Both teams have been a stress relief at times and then a huge headache at other times. Regardless..... I LOVE IT! And I love to support my boys.

4. A dear friend who has been like a second father to me and has gone out of his way to make sure the boys and I have something to look forward to. Imagine a basketball hoop, a flat of portulaca (flowers), and a card sitting on your door steps when you have had a horrible day at work. This is just one example of many.

5. Friends who can drive by and flip the bird to one another.

6. Silly e-mails to just cheer someone up.

7. My team mom. I would be lost without her.

8. Family and friends who know when to leave you alone or MAKE YOU cheer up.

9. A new special someone who shows up with a bottle of wine and a smile....hmmmm.

* Thanks for all of you who have been supportive these past few weeks and never turn a deaf ear. You guys are appreciated more than you know!!!!!!!!!!!!! (That's for Amanda :)

Friday, May 18, 2007

Career Change.... Any Ideas?

As of today, I am thinking very seriously of a career change. Anyone with any suggestions.....please comment!