Saturday, October 20, 2007


Wonder what my grandfather was thinking when the beach home he built back in 1968 came tumbling down? For those of you who don't know, my grandfather (along with others) starting building a beach house in Ocean City for his family to enjoy back in 68. Unfortunately, my grandfather never saw the completion of this house because he died on site while building this house. Most unfortunate, I never had the opportunity to meet my grandfather, but heard many wonderful stories about him. I wonder if he is aware of how many lives he touched, how many generations made this beach house a "home".

Some key moments at our beach house : going to the beach with my brother

waking up Easter morning to filled baskets

cousins always coming to visit

going out with my dad on the boat

taking friends out on the boat

steaming crabs on the deck every other day

Lacey's special island

surviving hurricanes

clamming in the bay or tuna fishing offshore

Dairy Queen with my grandmother

meeting my future husband

having him propose to me on the deck ( in front of close family and friends)

bringing my own boys to the beach house

There are so many other memories and wonderful times that I experienced at the beach. I just hope my grandfather knows that he not only touched his daughter's life (my mom) but also generations to follow.

It was quite a bummer walking on the property that use to belong to my family and not seeing the beach house. My parents sold the house 3 years ago to a man who is made of $ and plans on building an enormous house on the small lot. That's all that O.C. seems to do anymore. Big house on the canal and no yard to play in. When my grandfather was building, our house was only the 2nd house on the dirt road. You could see out to the bay when you stood on the deck, backyard, or anywhere in the house. Now, the homes are so large you can't see anything. Hence the picture below. This was a new home they just built on the same street.

I'm glad I have my memories, because O.C. just isn't the same. I usually don't wish ill will on anyone, but I hope this man who demolished our home doesn't find any joy or pleasure in the new house being built.

Saturday, October 13, 2007


Well, wouldn't you know...... they won AGAIN!!! This win wasn't like the rest. This game set many records for the Mules. First, in the last 13 seasons, McDaniel has beaten Muhlenberg. Today, Muhlenberg destroys McDaniel and shuts them out 43 to 0. Muhlenberg is now 6 and 0, and three of those games have been shut outs! Next outstanding record is that Muhlenberg College hasn't been 6 & 0 in over 60 years. History is being made this year, and I am just so proud of the players for all their hard work and dedication, and also to the excellent coaching staff.
I obviously will always root for "Jeff's team" as Austin will say. He is Austin and Collin's uncle, my brother in-law, and ... a direct link to Jody. I know Jody is looking down with pride and cheering along with me and the boys. Keep up the great work Jeff and we can't wait to see you guys in just a few weeks.

Thursday, October 11, 2007


I have been singing this song ever since I heard it. Reba McEntire duets with Kelly Clarkson. It's basically talking about people who have complete control over others, and not being able to live a life together with love and trust. Sad but true! One line really stands out to me, and it reads, "I'm forced to fake a smile, a laugh, every day of my life ~ My heart can't possibly break when it wasn't even whole to start with."

I know my life with my late husband was only 11 years but God did we have a great time. I didn't have to fake a laugh or a smile, in fact.... he was the one who usually brought out my laughs and smiles. Because of him, we created 2 beautiful children. He taught me so many things and for that I am forever grateful. I don't think I would be where I am today if it wasn't for him. We had our arguments... just like everyone else, but we always managed to work our differences out. He broke my heart when I had to say goodbye to him and then my heart broke again when I had to tell our 4 1/2 year old that daddy had died. My heart was completely broken. Was that his fault? Hell, no!

I just feel sorry for people who are in relationships where the spark has faded or has just gone completely out. Life is too short.

Make sure you are with someone who if God forbid was to leave this earth.... your heart WOULD break. Not like in the song, where her heart couldn't possibly break when it wasn't even whole to start with. Every person deserves true love and happiness :)

Monday, October 8, 2007


Couldn't ask for a better weekend for football in my family. First, undefeated Muhlenberg remains undefeated (now 5 & 0 ) after destroying Juniata 44 to 3. Once again, I applaud the staff and players for a job well done.

Next, my Skins!!!!!!!!!!!! The score says it all...... 34 to 3. Offense and Defense did their job AND a JOB WELL DONE, I must say!!!!!

Last, the most meaningful to me is the football pool that both Austin and I are in. I won the pool last week and was doing a great job again this week. However, so was Austin. It came down to the Green Bay and Chicago game last night. Every person in the pool except me picked Green Bay to win last night. If Chicago lost, that meant it came down to points tonight between Austin and another player to win for the week. I so desperately wanted Austin to win and I was cheering Green Bay on to win the game (yes, I stayed up late to watch the game..... just to see if Austin had a chance). Well, as most of you already know, Chicago won and I won the football pool again for the second week in a row. The best part was waking him up this morning and telling him the news and his attitude about it all. He was a little upset that he didn't advance but was still happy for me. Needless to say, at the end of the day I gave Austin the winnings ( the big pot of $13) and to him it was like hitting the jackpot. What great boys I have and what better attitudes!!!!!!! Hope it remains :)