Some key moments at our beach house : going to the beach with my brother
waking up Easter morning to filled baskets
cousins always coming to visit
going out with my dad on the boat
taking friends out on the boat
steaming crabs on the deck every other day
Lacey's special island
surviving hurricanes
clamming in the bay or tuna fishing offshore
Dairy Queen with my grandmother
meeting my future husband
having him propose to me on the deck ( in front of close family and friends)
bringing my own boys to the beach house
There are so many other memories and wonderful times that I experienced at the beach. I just hope my grandfather knows that he not only touched his daughter's life (my mom) but also generations to follow.
It was quite a bummer walking on the property that use to belong to my family and not seeing the beach house. My parents sold the house 3 years ago to a man who is made of $ and plans on building an enormous house on the small lot. That's all that O.C. seems to do anymore. Big house on the canal and no yard to play in. When my grandfather was building, our house was only the 2nd house on the dirt road. You could see out to the bay when you stood on the deck, backyard, or anywhere in the house. Now, the homes are so large you can't see anything. Hence the picture below. This was a new home they just built on the same street.
I'm glad I have my memories, because O.C. just isn't the same. I usually don't wish ill will on anyone, but I hope this man who demolished our home doesn't find any joy or pleasure in the new house being built.