Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Gender Stereotype...... WHO CARES????

It amazes me that it is the year 2007 and we still have such pathetic gender stereotypes. Hello??? June Cleaver no longer exists, and it's pretty sad if men really want a June Cleaver.
While we shouldn't paint with such a broad paintbrush ( I like that phrase a friend once said ), it's hard not to attach certain qualities to the male / female. Male--- macho, strong, doesn't cry. Female--- soft, loving, and nurturing. There are many more of course but I believe that every person is unique regardless of gender and shouldn't be "labled" by stereotypes. I know many GREAT dads who have "fatherly instincts" but society only uses "motherly instincts". Men cry...that's GREAT!!! That shows they are human and NOT weak!
This week I have felt a lot of pressure of being a woman who is coaching Collin's Tee-Ball team. Imagine that!!! A female coach! Women don't know anything about baseball, right?? While I have many fathers who will do anything I ask of them, I have just one or two who in my opinion can't stand a female coaching their child. They have an arrogant, take charge attitude that is getting quite old. Let's just say, next practice they will see a different side of me they may not like...OH WELL!!!
Also, my doctor this week was an arrogant jerk. His ego is the size of a barn and if I was a male, would he have crossed the line and asked those inappropriate questions???? DOUBTFUL!!! What burns me up is that I didn't question his inappropriateness. I didn't stand up for myself!! I was in pain and was taken aback by his questions.... but those are just excuses. I should have told him he crossed the professional doctor / patient line. So I'm basically more upset with myself than anyone else.
With two boys, I play the role of mother and father. I don't want my boys to feel that they have to carry the load of "dad" to help out and loose part of their childhood. Unfortunately, this has already happened with my oldest. I want them to realize that our small family is just fine. My youngest is now starting to ask lots of questions about "dads" and you can just see the confusion. Bottom line... I don't want my boys to see stereotypes. I'm not a bionic mother, ( I try to be ) but I want my boys to know that it's o.k. to just have a mom AND that mothers can do "dad" stuff and that it's O.K.

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