It's almost been 5 years, that's so hard to believe. If I could send a letter to Jody, this is what it would read.
Our boys are doing great, and they are growing like weeds. I have a feeling that you are looking down and I hope you are pleased.
I've kept my promise to you, as I'm sure you can see. Not only am I involved with soccer, baseball, but now even Little League.
Austin has your charm, and your ability to talk. Collin is always asking about you, as you passed right before he began to walk. Please don't worry, Austin, Collin, and I are doing our best. However, it hasn't been the same since you left.
On Christmas Day this year, the boys and I will be on a cruise. We will be on a catamaran.... for we wanted to try something new. Please keep an eye on us and hold us close to your heart. Not a day goes by where you are not in our thoughts.
Merry Christmas Love!
p.s. I miss you
Good job Angela. If you have the same beliefs I do, he already knew. But I'm sure he enjoyed reading the letter too. God bless you and your boys Angela. I hope you have a great time this holiday.
Touching, powerful, and inspiring . . .
Makes me think of that old adage: "Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a great battle" . . .
You have fought, and continue to fight, a great battle, and you are prevailing through daily love and service . . .
Namaste . . .
Lovely. He knows what a terrific job you and the boys are doing, and what great little men Austin and Collin are. How proud he must be of you all.
Happy Holidays and have a wonderful time on your trip. You and the boys deserve it.
Love you.
Have a great trip and a Merry Christmas...you all deserve it.
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