Sunday, August 31, 2008


Was watching The Bucket List last night, and it brought out some insightful questions I have been thinking about. Luckily, my oldest was at a sleepover and Collin was half asleep from a busy day, so I could actually watch this alone and laugh and cry when I needed. Jack Nicholson and Morgan Freeman were excellent for the parts and brought forth humor to such a serious issue.

Think about these two questions: 1. Has your life been joyful?
2. Have you brought joy to others?

First question to me is somewhat easy...Yes! For the second, I would like to think that I have brought joy to others (but how do I really know).

Another question: Would you want to know when it's your time to leave this earth?

I thought about that throughout the entire movie. I've been personally touched by loosing my sister and husband "without knowing". Never knew pain so much as those experiences. However, being with a loved one and watching them slowly die has to be horrible too. I guess I have concluded that no matter how it hurts just as bad.

Movie worth seeing :)

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