Took the boys to their first NFL game....SKINS of course.
I could keep going with pictures of the Skins, but I better stop.
Also, got engaged to Stewart at the Renaissance Festival. Crazy emotions here! Have not set any date yet, still blending together as four.
Turned 36... with a surprise party at my house. Knew something was up, so I did my best to have that "surprised" look on my face. Was an absolutely beautiful night.
Few nights later we had Halloween and visited a special family friend.
Can't end the blog without mentioning that Stewart broke his wrist on the 14th of October and just last Monday had to have surgery with a plate and 7 or 8 screws put in. Lots of pain for him and major adjustments for the family.
Signing off for now! Hope everyone is doing well :)
Ack!! Engaged!!! Congratulations to you and Stewart and Austin and Collin! Keep the blog updated with your plans, wouldya? :)
Will keep you updated. Just keeping things slow. Never thought I would plan for a second wedding, so it's quite different. Stew is completely supportive and will do anything I want.... I just don't know what it is I want..ahh!
Glad to see so many happy faces in these pictures. You sure had an amazing October! Enjoy all these wonderful moments; you certainly deserve them!
Congratulations!!! You've been quite busy. B and I wish you Stewart and the boys all the best!
Hope we can visit again sometime soon so you guys can meet Grace and we can meet Stewart! CONGRATS HONEY!
We love you.
Congratulations. Very cool . . .
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