I'm still touched by the kindest gesture my friend did for the boys and I Friday evening. After going thru a nasty tooth extraction Thursday morning, I thought I would just bounce right back to my normal self. Not the case. I went to work on Friday and was basically miserable. The pain medication was making me sick to my stomach but if I didn't take it my jaw just throbbed. My friend advised me to take Friday off also, but I didn't listen... no surprise there. I try to save my sick days for the boys when they are going to need me, so I didn't want to burn a day just on me. Anyways, by the end of the work day on Friday I must have looked pathetic. Austin and I left school and picked up Collin. As I was holding a "take-out" menu in my hand that evening, our dog Cody started barking very loudly. I thought my neighbors must have people over. However, our doorbell then rang and there stands a pizza man looking at me. I told him he must have made a mistake because I didn't order a pizza. He then verified the address and asked if I was Angela. I said yes BUT I didn't order a pizza. He said that the pizza had been paid in full and was to be sent to me. I asked the man who had done this (even though I pretty much knew) and he said he didn't know.
How blessed I am to have friends that look out for me and the boys. This simple gesture meant the world to me because I knew it came from the heart. When you surround yourself with positive people who really care.... great things happen. There isn't room for negative people who do nothing but complain. I wish for everyone to have "true friends". People they can count on, people they can talk to, and people who will send a pizza out when you are sick. A miserable day that ended wonderfully due to sincere friends.
Boone's Mom A.K.A.....Nancy
It was obvious you felt miserable when I saw you on friday. Good Positive Friends are worth a million. I'll second the comment about negative people. Life is to short and precious to let people like that ruin a minute of happiness for anyone and I've learned that lesson myself this week. Have a great weekend!
Hey you,
Sorry I did not call you back, but I got the phone call too late. I have not called because I thought you may be in too much pain to talk. I hope you are feeling better! I'll give you a buzz later this week. Tonight I'm hitting the books 'cause I have a big exam in the a.m. Take care sweetie!
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