Saturday, November 8, 2008


Wow, the past few months have flown by and so much has happened. With the dreary, rainy day today I finally have time to slow down and update my blog. Austin finished up his football season a few weeks ago:

Took the boys to their first NFL game....SKINS of course.

I could keep going with pictures of the Skins, but I better stop.
Also, got engaged to Stewart at the Renaissance Festival. Crazy emotions here! Have not set any date yet, still blending together as four.

Turned 36... with a surprise party at my house. Knew something was up, so I did my best to have that "surprised" look on my face. Was an absolutely beautiful night.

Few nights later we had Halloween and visited a special family friend.

Can't end the blog without mentioning that Stewart broke his wrist on the 14th of October and just last Monday had to have surgery with a plate and 7 or 8 screws put in. Lots of pain for him and major adjustments for the family.

Signing off for now! Hope everyone is doing well :)

Saturday, October 11, 2008


Had a chance to glance back at some photos from our Christmas Vacation and realized how relaxed and calm we were. No school, no sports games, no meetings, etc. = No stress. While we can't afford this every year or even every other year, it is so great to look back at our peaceful faces. Trying to plan now a family vacation for the summer so I can have a light at the end of a long, dark tunnel.

Sunday, September 14, 2008


Austin had his first football game yesterday and it brought up some issues. One being : should we go by age or weight limit when playing football. Reason I'm asking is because the team they played from Virginia had two players that were well over 200pounds. Parents had their birth certificates with them to prove that they were only 10.
Now... I have grown up on football and have a good understanding of the game. However, it has been a learning experience for me watching Austin go thru practices, putting on football gear (yuck)and dealing with the many strains, swelling, etc.. that go with the game. Contact sport indeed! So... seeing these guys yesterday made me think that we would be in the hospital at some time that day.. but luckily Austin made out o.k.
So the question remains.. should they go by age and have players like yesterday destroy another team? Or go by weight limit? Weight limit would have some players in a higher age group and sometimes these kids don't get to play because they don't have the experience (because they don't get to play). Seems like there should be a happy medium... but it's one or the other. After yesterday I'm leaning more with the weight limit. Even though this most likely would leave out the really skinny kids and the overweight kids. Yes, they can go to a higher age limit but how much play time would they really get? Jeff would be a good person to answer this question with all his experience with football and coaching. I'm thinking there isn't an easy answer.
Luckily, Austin wasn't injured in the game (as many were). The team lost I believe 21 to 0. Although Austin said it was 35 to 0. He could be right as I went to the concession stand for a little bit. But what a mess of a game. Like throwing lambs to the lions. Either it makes you tougher or you get injured trying.

Sunday, August 31, 2008


Was watching The Bucket List last night, and it brought out some insightful questions I have been thinking about. Luckily, my oldest was at a sleepover and Collin was half asleep from a busy day, so I could actually watch this alone and laugh and cry when I needed. Jack Nicholson and Morgan Freeman were excellent for the parts and brought forth humor to such a serious issue.

Think about these two questions: 1. Has your life been joyful?
2. Have you brought joy to others?

First question to me is somewhat easy...Yes! For the second, I would like to think that I have brought joy to others (but how do I really know).

Another question: Would you want to know when it's your time to leave this earth?

I thought about that throughout the entire movie. I've been personally touched by loosing my sister and husband "without knowing". Never knew pain so much as those experiences. However, being with a loved one and watching them slowly die has to be horrible too. I guess I have concluded that no matter how it hurts just as bad.

Movie worth seeing :)

Saturday, August 16, 2008


This will be the last weekend before reality hits again...Ahhh! Can't complain at all about the summer except that it went way too quick. Maybe that old saying is correct,"Time flys when you're having fun." Looking back on the summer we had:

1. Family vacation on the Gulf...awesome time:)
2. Sprained ankle..not so cool and still hurts!
3. Grand Cayman's getaway....ahhh
4. Football camp in Pa....great to spend time with family:)
5. Cookouts, swimming, and relaxing with people
6. Elk's swimming...Collin going off the diving board :)
7. Trips to O.C. riding rides and pizza....Yum!
8. Many Shorebirds games...:)
9. Montgomery Gentry in concert... a blast!

There are probably more exciting moments that I can't recall right now. What I learn and relearn every summer is how much family means. Can't put a price tag on watching your youngest learn how to swim, watching the sunset with someone you love, enjoying the company of close friends, who may as well be family. I will just need to remember all of this once I'm back at work and look forward to many more wonderful memories. Thanks to everyone who made this summer special for the boys and I!!!!

Wednesday, August 6, 2008


Just wanted to see how many people experience or enjoy drop ins from either family members or friends??? I mean the full no phone call, what's going on this evening, oh..that looks good what your making for dinner, let me stay a few hours and ask million upon million of questions, etc.. See my annoyance or frustration here? Now I have a few (possibly 4 or 5) family/friends that can drop by any time and come right on in with no problems. I don't worry what I look like, how the kids are, what the house looks like, etc.. They don't do this very often, but when it happens it's not a big they don't alter my plans!! The occasional drop in by the neighbor who has a piece of your mail, or a quick question...No big deal. The occasional "church people" who drop by to pass out literature...No big deal. Didn't know if I was the only one who got annoyed by this experience. So, does it not bother you? Are you annoyed like me? Does it not happen to you enough to form an opinion?
Oh, I have never been the type to pretend I wasn't home and not answer my door (one friend suggested I do that). I also have never talked to the culprits about this because it happens ever so often...just to annoy me!! AHHHH!!

Tuesday, August 5, 2008


Collin was once again in another wedding this past weekend. Did an awesome job, considering we really only knew the parents of the bride. I remember being pretty shy in my younger years and I don't think I could have puled off what he did. Way to go Collin :)

Sunday, July 27, 2008


I can't complain AT ALL about the summer so far. The boys and I are doing exactly what my title says: Living out of a beach bag. Since school ended till now... and then some, we are being beach bums! Don't really care about Manny being traded, Farve coming back to play, or the Pitt twins. It's GREAT to just enjoy the summer with friends and family. From pool parties, more pool parties, football camp (both boys attended), beach days, and just relaxing on evenings with all the boys! The world will change soon enough once school starts up again, but for now I'm just still enjoying the peaceful days of summer. Some more pics of the summer. Check out my "special" parking spot at my friends house...HA!!! What crazy guys!!!!

Monday, July 21, 2008


Just some more pics from the Cayman's!!!

Wednesday, July 16, 2008


What an amazing trip. From July 10th - 14th, Stewart and I had a sweet vacation to the Grand Cayman's. What people had told me about the Cayman's was absolutely true... it was a magical place to be. The locals were very kind and unlike other islands the crime was rare to none. The boys and I have been fortunate to travel some places the past few years, but I must say that this small island was ever so perfect. We rented a car for a day and explored the island and hit some local spots that were recommended. I think that really made the trip. We were able to travel to the tip of the island and walk onto a quiet, serene beach and find bright orange/red starfishes. That had to be the best part for me... so natural, private and beautiful. Something I will never forget. We then traveled to the
other end of the island and did some private snorkeling and saw amazing colored fish. We did take a snorkeling trip on our last day and swam with stingrays (even kissed one :) and then hit two cool spots for snorkeling. I can't say enough how very beautiful and relaxed this vacation was. I'm attaching just some pics from the trip, as I will get more back soon. Keep enjoying the summer :)


Sunday, June 29, 2008

Bump, Set, and.....OUCH THAT HURTS!!!

Yes, I was trying to have fun playing volleyball again. Everything was going great for just about 5 minutes! Then I go up against the net to hit the ball over, and the next minute I'm on my rear end. Not so fun anymore!! I landed on my ankle just the WRONG way because the next hour I'm in the E.R. room with x-rays being taken. Good news is that it isn't broken BUT it is badly sprained. Swelling was terrible and I'm home on crutches. Many instructions were given about how I can't do all the normal day activities like: taking care of the boys, taking a shower, walking, !#!#@@$#$!!! Anyone who knows me knows that this is EXTREMELY hard, as I am stubborn and have always felt that I could take care of myself. So after a few days of bitching and complaining, I'm starting to get around a little better. See an orthopedic doc. on Tuesday and hopefully I will be back to my normal self soon. Go on vacation to the Grand Cayman's with Stew in July, so I am making sure to rest (best that I can) so we can enjoy ourselves. A good friend asked if I wanted to play again, and of course I answered, YES!!!

Sweet Home Alabama..

Vacation on the Gulf Shores of Alabama was GREAT!!! Some highlights:
1. Wedding was beautiful and relaxing
2. Great family time
3. Pools and ocean
4. Coming home nice and tan

Had a great time with lots of family members and enjoyed the peaceful days on the beach. Attached will be some pics!! Keep enjoying your summer :)

Friday, June 13, 2008


Well, haven't posted in awhile because I have been CRAZY busy!! School and baseball are now over and I can look at pictures from the past few months and just wonder where the time went. Field trips, field days, Award ceremonies, Hershey Park getaway, and great baseball memories! Austin ended his school year with top honors of straight A's and O's in above level classes. He and only 4 others were acknowledged with Academic Excellence at the end of the year! PROUD moment for mom. Collin turned 6 on me just last weekend and I just wonder where all the time has gone.

Baseball went GREAT for both boys, and I am happy to say that Collin smacked an inside the park homerun on his last game and was just grinning from ear to ear. A special friend was there to see this and that just made it extra special. Guess he had a pretty good coach for the past 2 years...ha! Anyways, next year he will play on the 7/8 field (even though he will still be 6 at the time) and I am stepping down from coaching. Time for me to relax and enjoy being a "mom" and help out with both teams but not fill my plate so high with responsibilities. Austin also did very well on a team that has so much talent. His team won the division and came in 1st place. Austin had many amazing plays and his attitude is what makes me so proud. Always a happy, go-lucky kid!!

Can't end my blog without mentioning a special someone who has come into my family's life and has made such a major impact. This special guy has been around since February but not until recently have I realized that this IS working. The love and support he gives to me and the boys is amazing, and I realize that I am finally opening up and letting someone in again. IT'S AN AMAZING FEELING!!!!

Well, I need to go and continue packing for our family vacation. My cousin is getting married on the Gulf Shores of Alabama, and we fly out tomorrow for a week of sun and fun on the Gulf. SUMMER IS HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Attached will be a mixture of pics from the last few months. ENJOY YOUR SUMMER!!!