Sunday, June 29, 2008

Bump, Set, and.....OUCH THAT HURTS!!!

Yes, I was trying to have fun playing volleyball again. Everything was going great for just about 5 minutes! Then I go up against the net to hit the ball over, and the next minute I'm on my rear end. Not so fun anymore!! I landed on my ankle just the WRONG way because the next hour I'm in the E.R. room with x-rays being taken. Good news is that it isn't broken BUT it is badly sprained. Swelling was terrible and I'm home on crutches. Many instructions were given about how I can't do all the normal day activities like: taking care of the boys, taking a shower, walking, !#!#@@$#$!!! Anyone who knows me knows that this is EXTREMELY hard, as I am stubborn and have always felt that I could take care of myself. So after a few days of bitching and complaining, I'm starting to get around a little better. See an orthopedic doc. on Tuesday and hopefully I will be back to my normal self soon. Go on vacation to the Grand Cayman's with Stew in July, so I am making sure to rest (best that I can) so we can enjoy ourselves. A good friend asked if I wanted to play again, and of course I answered, YES!!!

1 comment:

Bryan H said...

Get well. And enjoy Grand Cayman, it is awesome.