Sunday, August 31, 2008


Was watching The Bucket List last night, and it brought out some insightful questions I have been thinking about. Luckily, my oldest was at a sleepover and Collin was half asleep from a busy day, so I could actually watch this alone and laugh and cry when I needed. Jack Nicholson and Morgan Freeman were excellent for the parts and brought forth humor to such a serious issue.

Think about these two questions: 1. Has your life been joyful?
2. Have you brought joy to others?

First question to me is somewhat easy...Yes! For the second, I would like to think that I have brought joy to others (but how do I really know).

Another question: Would you want to know when it's your time to leave this earth?

I thought about that throughout the entire movie. I've been personally touched by loosing my sister and husband "without knowing". Never knew pain so much as those experiences. However, being with a loved one and watching them slowly die has to be horrible too. I guess I have concluded that no matter how it hurts just as bad.

Movie worth seeing :)

Saturday, August 16, 2008


This will be the last weekend before reality hits again...Ahhh! Can't complain at all about the summer except that it went way too quick. Maybe that old saying is correct,"Time flys when you're having fun." Looking back on the summer we had:

1. Family vacation on the Gulf...awesome time:)
2. Sprained ankle..not so cool and still hurts!
3. Grand Cayman's getaway....ahhh
4. Football camp in Pa....great to spend time with family:)
5. Cookouts, swimming, and relaxing with people
6. Elk's swimming...Collin going off the diving board :)
7. Trips to O.C. riding rides and pizza....Yum!
8. Many Shorebirds games...:)
9. Montgomery Gentry in concert... a blast!

There are probably more exciting moments that I can't recall right now. What I learn and relearn every summer is how much family means. Can't put a price tag on watching your youngest learn how to swim, watching the sunset with someone you love, enjoying the company of close friends, who may as well be family. I will just need to remember all of this once I'm back at work and look forward to many more wonderful memories. Thanks to everyone who made this summer special for the boys and I!!!!

Wednesday, August 6, 2008


Just wanted to see how many people experience or enjoy drop ins from either family members or friends??? I mean the full no phone call, what's going on this evening, oh..that looks good what your making for dinner, let me stay a few hours and ask million upon million of questions, etc.. See my annoyance or frustration here? Now I have a few (possibly 4 or 5) family/friends that can drop by any time and come right on in with no problems. I don't worry what I look like, how the kids are, what the house looks like, etc.. They don't do this very often, but when it happens it's not a big they don't alter my plans!! The occasional drop in by the neighbor who has a piece of your mail, or a quick question...No big deal. The occasional "church people" who drop by to pass out literature...No big deal. Didn't know if I was the only one who got annoyed by this experience. So, does it not bother you? Are you annoyed like me? Does it not happen to you enough to form an opinion?
Oh, I have never been the type to pretend I wasn't home and not answer my door (one friend suggested I do that). I also have never talked to the culprits about this because it happens ever so often...just to annoy me!! AHHHH!!

Tuesday, August 5, 2008


Collin was once again in another wedding this past weekend. Did an awesome job, considering we really only knew the parents of the bride. I remember being pretty shy in my younger years and I don't think I could have puled off what he did. Way to go Collin :)