Wednesday, August 6, 2008


Just wanted to see how many people experience or enjoy drop ins from either family members or friends??? I mean the full no phone call, what's going on this evening, oh..that looks good what your making for dinner, let me stay a few hours and ask million upon million of questions, etc.. See my annoyance or frustration here? Now I have a few (possibly 4 or 5) family/friends that can drop by any time and come right on in with no problems. I don't worry what I look like, how the kids are, what the house looks like, etc.. They don't do this very often, but when it happens it's not a big they don't alter my plans!! The occasional drop in by the neighbor who has a piece of your mail, or a quick question...No big deal. The occasional "church people" who drop by to pass out literature...No big deal. Didn't know if I was the only one who got annoyed by this experience. So, does it not bother you? Are you annoyed like me? Does it not happen to you enough to form an opinion?
Oh, I have never been the type to pretend I wasn't home and not answer my door (one friend suggested I do that). I also have never talked to the culprits about this because it happens ever so often...just to annoy me!! AHHHH!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You already know how I feel about this one... I can't believe you haven't gotten more comments. Maybe we are the only ones it bothers...or maybe other people don't get drop by guests as often. I think a lot of it has to do with who drops by...but really is there any good time to appear unannounced?? In this day of cell phones there is really no reason not to call ahead to give a little notice. It's just polite.