Saturday, August 16, 2008


This will be the last weekend before reality hits again...Ahhh! Can't complain at all about the summer except that it went way too quick. Maybe that old saying is correct,"Time flys when you're having fun." Looking back on the summer we had:

1. Family vacation on the Gulf...awesome time:)
2. Sprained ankle..not so cool and still hurts!
3. Grand Cayman's getaway....ahhh
4. Football camp in Pa....great to spend time with family:)
5. Cookouts, swimming, and relaxing with people
6. Elk's swimming...Collin going off the diving board :)
7. Trips to O.C. riding rides and pizza....Yum!
8. Many Shorebirds games...:)
9. Montgomery Gentry in concert... a blast!

There are probably more exciting moments that I can't recall right now. What I learn and relearn every summer is how much family means. Can't put a price tag on watching your youngest learn how to swim, watching the sunset with someone you love, enjoying the company of close friends, who may as well be family. I will just need to remember all of this once I'm back at work and look forward to many more wonderful memories. Thanks to everyone who made this summer special for the boys and I!!!!

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