Saturday, June 30, 2007


As the pieces of wood, metal, shell, or glass of wind chimes move in the breeze and rebound off one another, they produce a blend of resonant tones.
Wherever we are, whatever we do, we, too, blend and interact with those around us in a chorus of harmony that enriches our lives and the lives of others. We do not have to be alike to be in harmony with one another. Through our variety of ideas and from our diverse backgrounds, we contribute to and complement one another.


Oceanshaman said...

Nice addition to my Sunday morning. Thanks . . .

Robinson1320 said...

i hate those things... my wife just bought the 4 foot ones.... arrrgggghhhhhhh


Angela said...

John ~ I don't like them either, they can be quite annoying at times. Other times they can be peaceful. I just thought the "message" was cool :)